Today we went to the Vicksburg National Military Park. The park pays tribute to the campaign, siege, and defense of Vicksburg. There are over 1,340 monuments, along the 16-mile tour road.

The U.S.S. Cairo, a Union ironclad ship sunk north of Vicksburg in 1862 when it struck 2 underwater torpedoes (today called mines). Preserved by mud and silt, Cairo sat on the bottom of the Yazoo River for 102 years. It was raised in 1964, and later restored. The ironclad is now on display in the park.

View from inside a strategic Union tunnel

Look! She's learning!

The Illinois Memorial: the Roman Pantheon replica honoring more than 36,000 Illinois soldiers who fought in the Vicksburg Campaign. This is the most ornate of the memorials in the park

The view from inside, looking up.

Vicksburg National Cemetery. 17,077 Union soldiers are buried here.