One of my biggest complaints about living here in Texas is the lack of scenery. I grew up around mountains my entire life and I miss them so much! I haven't seen a great sunset in a year now because it's so darn flat here. Not to mention the fact that my sense of direction without that visual help really stinks! Now I've heard that the hill country and around San Antonio & Austin is nice. Unfortunatly that's not where I live but will be venturing down there to check it out at some point.
Here's one of the kids jumping off that rock at some lake in New Mexico... not sure which one it is. Wish I could remember what lake that was. North of Albuquerque, it'll probably come to me in the middle of the night.
Here's one of the kids jumping off that rock at some lake in New Mexico... not sure which one it is. Wish I could remember what lake that was. North of Albuquerque, it'll probably come to me in the middle of the night.

St. Alban's Chapel in the Snowy Range mountains of Wyoming, southwest of Laramie. How's that for getting close to God?
Marie Lake, Wyoming
Secret fishing hole, Wyoming. Seriously, it's secret! I don't know if the rule still stands but growing up my mom forbid me from sharing it's location with anyone! I went back there 2 years ago with her and the fishing was still fantastic! We caught 18 fish in 3 hours! At one point my mom set her camera on a stump behind us and set it on the record function. It captured me snagging 3 fish in under 10 minutes. I have another picture somewhere that shows how the beetles have ravaged the trees in recent years, it looks very sad and brown... a fire just waiting to happen.
I found the pictures of that same lake, stitched together to form a panoramic shot of the beetles' destruction. Go ahead, click on it!

Two of my sweeties in the mountains north of Durango, Colorado.

I can't seem to find any pictures of one of my favorite mountains... the Sandia's of New Mexico, immediatly east of Albuquerque. I truely loved seeing them every day for the 5 years I was there. The way the sun would peek out behind them in the early morning hours, the way they would turn pink when the sun was going down, the way the clouds would gather above when it got stormy. Ahhh, I miss it so...
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