We pulled into New Orleans about 9:30 Friday night and were in the parking garage of the hotel unloading all our necessary junk when somehow Deeanna smashed her finger in the hatchback. I was not allowed to console her because she was trying her darndest to maintain some semblance of composure and said that if I were to hug her she would only break down more. Honestly, all I could see was blood dripping from the middle of her nail and I was convinced that she had ripped the nail halfway off, but I didn't want to tell her that! So we had to wait for the elevator, then wait in line in the lobby to get our room and some bandaids. We got up to our room and got it washed off and luckily it's just like a cut across her nail. We iced her up and gave her some Advil. She was worried about being able to play her sax the next morning but was determined to give it a shot.

Once we got her a makeshift bag of ice, we set out to go find something to eat. Unfortunatly by then so many restaurants were closed so we just went to Cafe du Monde for some hot chocolate and beignets. Oh yeah, powdered sugar for dinner.
Last June when we were in New Orleans and strolling the Quarter we happened upon the New Orleans Jazz National Historic Park. There was some great sounding music coming from inside so we went on in to investigate. How shocked we were to see a stage full of kids! Every Saturday from 11-noon children are invited to bring their own instruments and participate with members of the Storyville Stompers Brass Band in an effort to keep the local music alive. Ever since then she's been dying to go down and join them.

After the Jazz Park we perused the aisles of the French Market, looking for trinkets we just HAD to have. I must say, we were quite successful. Morgan picked this hat out for herself and Deeanna didn't get the memo that it wasn't hers. Silly girl!

After this, I met up with an old friend from high school that I haven't seen in 13 years! We picked up just like no time had passed, it was so nice to see her! We wandered around the Quarter, weaved in and out of Bourbon Street, made a stop at the Old Absinthe House (nasty! someting I will never need to try again!) We finally ended up at the Clover Grill for some killer malts and build your own omlettes before calling it a night.
By this time, Morgan's not amused and just wants her hat back! Not to worry, we stopped and got D a white one of her own before we left town.
Kiara sporting her French Market mask, and cheese pizza. I've tried telling this one that we're only allowed to eat local food, stuff we can't get back home, but she just ain't having it.
Crawfish Chicken over rice at the Corner Oyster bar, right next to Jackson Square.
Oh yeah, I finished it. However, I stopped short of licking the plate.
On the way back to the hotel we got distracted for a moment by a street magician.
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